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Wednesday 24 June 2015

Belmore and Wonderland Falls

Belmore Falls are on the escarpment between Fitzroy Falls and Robertson in the NSW Southern Highlands and are part of Morton National Park. Barrengarry Creek drops off the escarpment into the Kangaroo Valley .

From the lookout into Kangaroo Valley.

The first lookout view of the falls 

As you follow the cliff walk back towards the falls from the picnic area, the views get better, but you cant get close up to these falls. The road crosses the creek just upstream of the cliff edge and I think there is a further lookout on the other side. 

From the road just pass the falls is another track that leads to these beautiful falls. Called Wonderland Falls in Robert Sloss's bushwalking book. 

You could actually walk in behind the falls. Lots of water spray though and harder to get good photos. A waterproof cover for the camera or the smaller waterproof camera would have been good here. 

Last panorama looking down into the Barrengarry arm of Kangaroo Valley 

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