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Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Waterfall Bay, Woy Woy

                       Waterfall Bay is one arm of Woy Woy Bay.
An early start to beat the showers and a couple of hours on the water for this 8.5klm paddle.

A serene start on the Woy Woy channel opposite Pelican Island

Being high tide I could enter the "lagoon" between parts of Pelican Island and take a short cut through the oyster leases. 

The Spike Milligan pedestrian bridge across the entrance to Woy Woy Bay. Three bridges here with the pedestrian, road and rail bridges. 

The calm of Woy Woy Bay

Looking to Spion Kop which divides the two arms of the bay. 

The waterfall as it comes into the back of the bay. 


A small beach break to stretch my legs. 

Spion Kop 

Back to Woy Woy

Sunday, 26 March 2017

Cecil Hoskins Weir

The rain continues. A quick stop to look at the Wingecarribee River coming over the weir.

Last month I had paddled here on a blue sky day. 

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Fairy Bower Falls

Rain all week and not light. Eventually it eased and I was able to get out for about 90 minutes in my wet weather gear. Fairy Bower Falls in Morton National Park at Bundanoon had some good water coming down, so a quick walk and limited photo time got me out for a while.

At the creek crossing to get down to the falls .

Looking down the Bundanoon Creek gorge from the track on the way down.

The cliff line next to the falls. 

First view of the falls. 

Some nice water coming down. Normally to photograph the falls I would stand in front of the boulder mid shot or to the left of the falls. 

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Bargo River, Yerrinbool

Another Plan B walk. We had first stopped at the Boxvale Track to walk in to Forty Foot Falls but the track is still closed due to the bridge over the creek being down. A quick rethink and we set off to Hill Top to walk down to the Bargo River.

The fire trail follows the power lines  across to Yerrinbool and ends at the drop down on to the Bargo River. 

From here a rough route heads north on the ridge until a ramp through the cliff line gives access down to reach the river. 

Not the most scenic river here but quiet and its still nice to be out. 

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Bundanoon Gorge Caoura

I had visited Caoura Ridge Fire Trail before on the way out to Purnoo Lookout and had not noticed any tracks heading out to the cliffs on Bundanoon Creek. Google Earth however showed a trail and this was where I was to visit today. The old 4wd track had been closed and is revegetating. It is not evident from the fire trail, but knowing where to look, it wasn't too hard to find.

The old track revegetating.

The first views across the heath and woodland. 

Easy walking from the end of the track over rock platforms out to the cliff. 

Then views of Bundanoon Gorge. 

Magnificent cliff lines 

Looking down at Bundanoon Creek where I had paddled a fortnight ago.

Can't stop taking panoramas at a place like this. 

Fringe Lily (Thysanotus) on the regrowth of the track. 

A 10klm bike ride and a 4klm walk. About 3hrs all up. A nice morning adventure.