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Monday, 2 November 2015

Ahearns Lookout

Ahearns Lookout  is in Nattai National Park and looks down the Nattai River on the point looking over Starlights Trail and Emmets Flats. Walking from the track head on Wattle Tree Road I missed the turnoff for Ahearns due to the hazard reduction burn in August obscuring the start of the track. I soon realised what I had done but decided to continue on the firetrail and walked out to what Robert Sloss , in his guide books, calls King Arthurs Kingdom on the southern cliff edge overlooking Rocky Waterholes Creek. On the way back I found the Ahearn track  and continued on my planned walk. All up an easy 18klm for the day.

Not long after the track head you enter the Nattai Wilderness.

Mt Jellore 

Rocky WaterHoles Creek Canyon

King Arthurs Kingdom

Ahearns Lookout looking down the Nattai Valley

Mount Colong in the distance

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