Big Jim's Point on the Hawkesbury River in Popran National Park.
Looking east at Bar Point.
Thelymitra - Sun Orchid
Patersonia- Native Iris
Doryanthes excelsa-Gymea Lily
Conospermum longifolium-Long leaf Coneseeds
Bar island and the mouth of Berowra Creek.
Bar Point. i think the peak on Bar Point centre photo is Berowra.
Looking west over Gentlemans Halt to Spencer and the mouth of Mangrove Creek
Doryanthes excelsa
Boronia ledifolia- Sydney Boronia
Gompholobium glabratum? Dainty Wedge Pea
Epacris microphylla-Coral Heath
Looking across the Hawkesbury to Marramarra.