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Saturday, 18 April 2020

Gibraltar Rocks

Holidays,early March and still vast areas closed down due to the bush fires and then floods.
Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve, Canberra was open but large areas closed due to flooding. The walk to Gibraltar Rocks was open and kicked off my holiday walking.
A 10.5klm reasonably steep walk including the Xanthorea Circuit.

First views of Gibraltar Peak from the start of the walk

Once through the Mt Eliza saddle, vistas open up as the Canberra Deep Space Communication Centre comes into view together with the Black Mountain Tower in the centre of Canberra. 

Panorama over Mt Eliza and the Tidbinbilla Valley

Granite Tors as you climb. 

Then magnificent views from the top of the tors 

Then through the tunnel for views south into Namadgi National Park. 

Lovely granite country 

Late afternoon light looking back at the end.