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Friday, 3 May 2019

Settlers Track

The Settlers Track is a 10.3klm loop in the southern end ofNamadgi National Park near the Mt Clear campground.

I packed up camp early and under a blue sky and headed to the track head. As I got there the mist was moving through and got quite thick before clearing as I got down the track.

Watched by a Wedge-tail Eagle as I set off

Brayshaws Hut at the start of the walk

Looking across to Westermans Hut as I climbed Pheasants Hill

Out of the snow gums on the slopes and on the grassland flats.

The sheep dip yards and fences

Snow gum slopes

Ringbarked tree

Coming back out on the flats and looking across to Waterhole Hut

Then along the flats.

And down to Watermans Hut.

Finishing the loop at Brayshaws Hut under a blue sky.