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Friday, 27 December 2019

Bird Walks

With what feels like the whole world on fire and the rest of the world covered in thick smoke there hasn't been much chance to get out.  
So a couple of local outings with the bird lens to the Water Gardens in Batemans Bay and to Cullendulla, my local nature reserve.

Great Egret

Nankeen Night-Heron 

Royal Spoonbill 

Freckled Duck 

Grey Teal 

Chestnut Teal 

Australian Reed-Warbler 

Eurasian Coot 

Superb Fairy-wren 

Australian White Ibis 

Little Black Cormorant 

Little Pied Cormorant 

Pied Oystercatcher 

Black Swan 

Thursday, 19 December 2019

Yaragee to Wamban Creek

High tide put in at Yaragee for a 10.4klm paddle to Wamban Creek and back.
Still a big River at high tide.
The Araluen Rd
Rural onlooker
Back under the bridge
Steep ridge at a turn in the river.
Lovely swimming beaches.

Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Big Hole & Hanging Rock

Walking from the Berlang Camping area first to the Big Hole and then north to Hanging Rock.

A dry feet crossing of the Shoalhaven River.

Nice views as you climb through the heath.

The Big Hole. Always hard to do it justice in a photo.

Then down to the Bettowynd Fire Trail which I left and followed an unmapped trail where it took a sharp turn to the east. Thinking that this trail went west to private property I took another unmarked trail north but this took me back to the Bettowynd firetrail. 

I then left this again at a gate into private property and pushed through the scrub through a saddle north of spot height 899.

Once through the saddle the going was easier as I looked across at Hanging Rock

Then back along a good trail that I assume led out to Cleatmore Cave

Looking back at Hanging Rock

Then back to the Big Hole 

From the Shoalhaven River ridge to Hanging Rock

And back to Berlang after 17.3klm