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Thursday, 30 October 2014

Timealong Trail / Acacia Flat

Two short walks in the morning before I left the Beehive Point area.

The first , just over 2 klm return, was along the Timealong trail back to where the road disappears into Yarrunga Creek. Different views of yesterdays paddle.

The next walk, just over 3klm return, down to Acacia Flat on the Kangaroo River. A camping area for paddlers on the Kangaroo River.

Plenty of birds on these walks.
Dusky Woodswallow. 

Yellow-tufted Honeyeater 

immature Black-faced Cuckoo Shrike 

Bronzewing Pigeon 

Fan-tailed Cuckoo 

Yarrunga Creek

 With showers coming across every half hour decided to drive around to Beehive Point look at having a paddle up Yarrunga Creek. Beehive point is at the junction of Yarrunga Creek and the Kangaroo River and is a 5klm 4wd from the end of the Bendeela Rd at Jacks Corner.

Panorama looking across at the end of the Kangaroo River Trail and my morning walk.

To get the kayak to the water  takes a 200 metre trip down the slope using the trolley andof course the same uphill at the end.

Once on the water it is all worth it as you round Beehive Point and head up the creek. 

One of the original roads  -The Timealong trail -used as a route from the southern Highlands into the Kangaroo Valley. Now flooded by Lake Yarrunga formed by Tallowa Dam.

Flooded forest 

The creek narrows until blocked by the first rapids which made a nice place to sit and eat a late lunch.

A misty and at times quite wet paddle of 10.3klm.

Kangaroo Valley Trail

Had camped at Tallowa Dam with the intention of paddling and camping up the Shoalhaven Gorge. Woke to an overcast, windy day with rain predicted and decided to save that trip for another day. Walked instead down the Kangaroo River Trail (7.8klm return) which comes out opposite Beehive Point and Yarrunga Creek. 

The first view of the river looking downstream towards Bendeela

Pleasant point on the river would make a nice campsite and fishing spot on the river. 

Looking across to Beehive Point with the Meryla Clifs in the background, 

Looking upstream towards Tallowa.

Panorama across the river to Beehive Point 

Rufous Whistler 

By the time I walked out the showers had started. Went into Kangaroo Valley for a coffee and some photos along the river in between showers.