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Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Dunn's Swamp

Dunns Swamp is a dam on the Cudgegong River on the western side of Wollemi National Park about 20
minutes drive from Kandos or Rylestone.

This area is in "pagoda country" where bands of ironstone on top of the sandstone cause erosion to form distinctive pagoda shaped outcrops.

The pagodas are easily accessible from the camping/picnic area.
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Monday, 16 July 2012

Maitland Bay

Sydney skyline from the Mt Bouddi track before you drop down to Maitland Bay The rock shelf at the northern point of the ay at low tide.
 The bay is named after the P.S. Maitland which broke in two on the bombora just off the bay in a gale in May 1898. 15 passengers and 12 crew died with 36 being rescued.  Little remains of the wreck today.
 View back along the beach from the steep climb out of the bay.

The northern headland and the bay from an earlier walk. 

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Recent Birds

Bell Miner Pacific Black Duck
Supurb Wren
 White cheeked Honeyeater
 Golden Whistler
 female Spotted Pardolote
 Male Spotted Pardolote
 Scarlet Honeyeater
 Pied Cormorant
 Eastern Reef Egret
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Tuesday, 10 July 2012


Regular walk from Forresters Beach to Crackneck at Bateau Bay. Looking south to Terrigal from the television tower at Forresters Beach.
 Looking north to Shelley Beach from Crackneck at Bateau Bay
 Little Wattlebird at Crackneck.
 Surfers under the headland.
  The purpose of the walk. Humpback Whales heading north.
 A fair way out to sea today.
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