Found my way to the new Capertee National Park only to find a locked gate and a private property sign. Drove on into Kandos for phone coverage and called National Parks who advised that the park is open at this stage only by calling in advance and giving your reason for visiting. Talked to the Ranger in charge who was very helpful and and after voicing my concerns that this detail is not mentioned on their website gave me the combination to the gate and allowed me entrance. Once back at the park I set up camp and then walked with the camera along the river.

As was middle of the day there wasn't many birds around and although I was told by the caretaker that the Regent honeyeaters had been around I didnt see any. The river is a series of pools but these seem to have some flow to them before disappearing beneath the sand again.

A wombat was out in the middle of the day and at first I thought was covered in mud. On a closer look am now unsure of that and think that it may be some form of disease. He let me get pretty close before making a run back to his burrow. After this short walk returned back to camp for lunch and then another short walk with the binoculars before an afternoon nap. At about 4pm the rain started and continued into the night and the next morning. packed up and left early with rain all the way back over the mountains. Will return at some stage for some more walks up into the hills and further along the river.